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Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release (MFR) is a safe, gentle, and effective therapy designed by John Barnes. Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds all of our muscles, bones, organs, and every individual cell. Traditional physical therapy does not properly address fascial restrictions in our bodies. These restrictions can create pain as well as neurological problems, digestive problems, and many others. Every person can benefit from myofascial release, so you don't need an injury to sign up. MFR treats the body as a whole, rather than solely at the location of symptoms. Michelle was trained directly by John Barnes in authentic MFR. For more information on myofascial release, click here.
What are the benefits?
Muscle relaxation
Suppression of trigger point sensitivity and pain
Reduced soreness and improved tissue recovery
Improved joint range of motion
Reduced adhesions and scar tissue
Regulation of the production cytokines
Increased activity in the mitochondria of cells
Improved neuromuscular efficiency
Decreased neuromuscular hypertonicity